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The Wonders of Rocket!

The Wonders of Rocket!

Rocket is an amazing addition to the garden, and it provides abundance of greenery all year round. It establishes itself quickly and spreads rapidly, so it is a great garden filler. The leaves are great for salads, wilted greens, and pesto. The flowers make a pretty edible addition to salads and a beautiful garnish. It is also known as arugula, and it has a strong, peppery flavour which can turn bitter as the leaves get older. When picking rocket, make sure you pick the leaves which are green and healthy looking, as the underneath leaves can rot and turn yellow. 

The health benefits of Rocket are many. According to the website,

rocket is rich in chlorophyll, amino acids, vitamins C,E,B and K, beta-carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin (for eye health), and also glucose plates, which help to protect against cancer. 

The website 

www.whatever you

establishes that rocket can help to stimulate the digestive juices, as it is slightly bitter, and helps to stimulate the flow of bile from the liver. Bile is important as it helps to emulsify and digest fats, and helps us absorb and digest vitamins A and E. 

That’s a lot of nutritional benefit from a little old plant! 

Rocket can be grown year round in New Zealand, and it is pretty hardy. Here at Harmony Gardens and Grub we are growing Rocket in hay bales, amongst other culinary herbs such as lemon balm, calendula, basil, sage, and edible flowers. Make sure you follow our blog to see our next post on hay bale gardening! Rocket likes a sunny spot, and lots of room, as it spreads quickly. Make sure it gets a good amount of moisture - when the leaves are wilting and dry looking, this means it needs a drink. You can grow Rocket in garden beds, raised beds, straw / hay bales, pots and containers - just make sure to split up the clumps and repot, otherwise they will get pot bound and die. It is very versatile, and very nutritious, and makes for good compost as well.

Please sign up for our free weekly recipe, using produce from your garden to make yummy, allergy friendly dishes (with additional Green Fairy option). We include tips on growing and harvesting, so that you can get the most from your garden and kitchen. This week’s recipe will show you how to make the Besto Pesto from your Rocket garden! 

Happy gardening 🌻