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Medicinal cbd

Green Fairy Zoom Class

Spring is almost upon us, and with it comes a revival of our energies. Days get longer and lighter, and we start to move earlier and faster, and work longer and later. This is a very good time to reflect on our health currently, and also think about areas of improvement. Our health is as essential to our continuing daily life, as petrol and oil are to our vehicles. We would’t think of driving our car without oil or petrol, for example, but we frequently drive our bodies without food or fluid, and then wonder why we are getting burnt out or unwell. As we start getting ready for the busy spring and summer seasons, it is a good idea to think about what we are putting into our bodies, and whether this fuel is serving us or harming us. 

Last night we hosted our first Green Fairy zoom class, focussing on the use of medicinal cannabis, for health and well-being, as well as healing and symptom relief. Medicinal cannabis is a fantastic addition to your diet and medicine regime, especially at this time of year. It is anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti fungal, and studies have shown that it also has protective properties against the corona virus -

“An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Chicago has found evidence that cannabidiol, or CBD, a product of the cannabis plant, can inhibit infection by the COVID-19 virus in human cells and in mice.

21/01/2022 › story “

It is also calming, and has neuroprotective properties, so it is a great addition to your regime to protect against stress and help balance your system. 

Medicinal cannabis is even more actively therapeutic when it is ingested, so that it travels through the body’s whole system, including the eliminatory system. Last night we shared our recipe for Yummy Gummies, which are an easy, quick and effective way to ingest medicinal cbd. They are all natural,  made from real fruit juice, raw local honey, Himalayan crystal salt, and gelatin, as well as cbd infused into coconut oil. They promote cellular hydration, healthy gut lining and health, healthy skin and tissues, as well as providing cbd oil for symptom relief, systemic balance, and ongoing wellbeing. It is easy to make Yummy Gummies in the comfort of your own home! If you would like the recipe, please sign up to our weekly newsletter. 

Medicinal cannabis has been used for many thousands of years, for food, textiles, trade, agriculture, recreation, and also spiritual and religious rites and practices, all over the world. It’s first recorded use was in Chinese pharmacopoeia, dating back to 2727 BC. 

In our zoom class, we discussed the many ways that medicinal cannabis can be used, including:

Inhaled (smoked, vaped)

Taken orally and absorbed sublingual (oils, tinctures)

Ingested in the form of infused food and drinks

Applied topically ie onto the skin in the form of creams, balms 

Applied internally in the form of pessaries and suppositories, for extreme symptom relief and healing

It was great to hear comments from our audience, such as ‘I didn’t realise it had so many medicinal properties’, ‘I didn’t realise there were so many different strains and strengths’, and also a comment about how useful it would clearly be in many clinical and hospital settings, to provide natural relief and healing without the horrendous side effects of pharmaceuticals, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

If you are interested in medicinal cannabis for health, wellbeing, and healing / symptom relief, please feel free to sign up for our weekly newsletter, and also follow our blog and events page for information on further events and classes. We will be hosting another zoom class in September, so please keep an eye on your email for updates and ticket information. If you have any questions about medicinal cannabis in the meantime, please email us at:

or book a phone consultation, using our order form. 

We look forward to seeing you in class next month!

Happy gardening 🌻🧚‍♀️