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Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed your festive season 🌼

This is to let you know that I am currently at capacity in terms of customers, and I am not able to take on any new customers or offer any more phone consultation appointments. 

I will be in touch to let you know when I can open the phone consultation service again.

Thank you,

Louisa at Harmony Gardens 🧚‍♀️

Green Fairies

The Green Fairies of New Zealand are lay people, usually with a background in health care, or who have had their own healing journey with medicinal cbd.  Green Fairies are supporting many people with natural healing, and are providing an essential service in  advice and guidance, with regard to medicinal cannabis education and support, for Aotearoa, New Zealand. I come from a nursing background, and I also have education and experience with nutritional medicine.

Here at Harmony Gardens, we are committed to bringing you quality medicinal CBD products and services. We provide a clinical, personal service, and we are with you every step of the way along your Medicinal Cannabis journey. 

We charge $30.00 for our phone consultations. They are between 20-30 minutes, in the comfort of your own home.

When you become a Green Fairy customer, you will receive:

  • Access to our Medicinal CBD products. You do not need a prescription to purchase from us. Once you have had a phone consultation, you can purchase products from the website as and when you need. We do not charge a prescription fee or any repeat order fees

  • A review phone call once you have started on your products. After about a week of using your products, you will receive a review phone call, to make sure that you are taking the right dose and the right amount, and also to make sure you are getting the results you need. There is no additional charge for this phone call - it is included in the initial phone consultation fee

  • Confidential clinical service. We keep confidential notes of our consultations, so that you don’t have to tell your story every time. This also allows us to keep track of your health progress, and make sure that you are achieving the goals that you want to achieve. Every person is different, and every person has a different tolerance. Some people do better on a combination of oils and balms; some people do better on edibles. Our clinical service means that we can keep in touch, and track the best doseage and the best products for you. You will be first to know about any new products, and you will have the option to sample products which are still in research and development. 

  • Ongoing support and review, with regard to your individual blend and dose of products.  You can ring, text or email with your questions, on an ongoing basis, and we will get back to you the same day. We do not charge additional consultation fees to talk with you, after the first phone consultation.

  • Daily support and review as necessary for new customers / customers with complex requirements. If you have a complex issue, we will stay in touch with you on a daily basis when you are first starting your products. We do not charge any additional consultation fee for this support.

  • Multi-Disciplinary Team Support. If you are working with a medical team to address your health issue, we will support you by communicating with your other team members as required, attending multi disciplinary team meetings (via zoom), and making products to suit your individual needs. We do not charge a fee for this support. 

  • The Entourage effect: we work with the whole, real cannabis plant, to enhance the entourage effect of using all of its parts. This makes it a much more effective medicine. We do not produce any synthetic cannabis products.

  • Nutritional Medicine: we incorporate nutritional medicine into our products, to further enhance the healing effect. Our products are all allergy-friendly and filled with superfood ingredients.

  • Education and information about the cannabis plant, your endocannabinoid system, your current health status, pharmaceutical withdrawal, how the medicine works, nutritional tips and support, and many other subjects related to natural healing. It is very important to know what is going into your body, and also it is very smart to know what is going into your body! The more knowledge you have about your health condition, the more you are able to direct your healing journey and create a healing environment which is right for you. People generally get better results with medicinal cannabis, when they also address issues that are in their diet, environment, daily routine. Trauma also affects physical health, especially in later life. Medicinal cannabis helps to mitigate the most distressing symptoms of trauma, and allows a safe space for healing. 

  • We offer a wide range of products. As well as the usual oils and balm, we offer quality, allergy-friendly, superfood edibles, drinkables and comestibles. We also offer bases, such as solid coconut cooking oil, honey, almond butter, infused with your choice of Medicinal CBD or THC. This means that you can make your own favourite edibles, to your desired strength, in the comfort of your own home, whenever you like! 

  • We are a local, small business. Our products are all hand-made, using quality ingredients from other, local, small business suppliers.

  • Individual one-off products - here at Harmony Gardens and Grub, we are very creative, and we often make up special products for customers. These products include:

     Birthday cakes

    Gummies of different flavours, shapes and strengths

    CBD Chicken Noodle Soup for winter health

    Cannabis Dinner foods - eg cannabis roast chicken, herby mashed potatoes 

    Cannabis ice cream 

    Cannabis chocolates 

    The foods are incredibly helpful when rebuilding the body after extreme illness, weight loss, or for support before, during and after surgery

  • Access to our Cannabis Cafe events, Green Fairy product parties, and Pop-Ups. This includes access to our unique range of allergy-friendly, superfood edibles, drinkables and comestibles, eg Herby Milk, Herby Mayonnaise, CBD biscuits, chocolates, bliss balls and spacecakes.

  • Fast Post. In some cases, where there is an urgent need for product, we will fast post it to you, at no extra charge, to get it there the next day.  

If you would like to know more about medicinal cannabis, and how you can include it in your healing journey, please contact us at

All products are posted out to you. Please note: We do not offer any collection or delivery services at all. 

Thank you 


Benefits of CBD oils 

  • Sleep and relaxation

  • Relief from pain, often when heavy duty pharmaceuticals are not working

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Helps to reset the nervous system and heal auto-immune disorders

  • Helps with symptoms such as nausea, indigestion

  • Calms down hormonal disturbances

  • Helps and supports all of our body systems

  • Highly anti-inflammatory

  • Highly anti-oxidant

  • Highly nourishing to cells and tissues

Is Medicinal Cannabis right for you? 

Many people turn to Green Fairies because they are currently being treated by the Western medical model of using multiple medications to stop symptoms. However, this method only suppresses symptoms, which worsen and lead onto other, more severe symptoms. In addition, pharmaceuticals cause many many side effects, some of which are severe and hazardous to life. For example, many anti-depressants can lead to an exacerbation of suicidal thoughts. Western medicine, and pharmaceuticals, do not promote any cellular healing, and the combined side effects of the multiple medications are causing more complications and illness. 

Also, many of our current diseases and illnesses are caused by lifestyle choices, eg junk food, alcohol and caffeine, high stress, pollution. The good news is that these diseases are often reversible, and generally preventable. Medicinal cannabis is an amazing way to both treat and prevent these disorders, as it is responsible for resetting your nervous system, cleaning out and detoxing your system, and repairing damaged cells and tissues. 

Medicinal cannabis is mostly known for treating anxiety and depression, for pain relief, and for treating cancer in very high concentrations. However, it has many more health benefits and medicinal uses. 

Cannabis works, in a nutshell, by providing cannabinoids to our own endocannabinoid system of receptors. The endocannabinoid system is a system of receptors, specifically designed to use and process cannabinoids. They keep our nervous system in balance, help our bodies to absorb nutrients, help to balance sleep routines, help to support the immune system, and help to promote healthy digestion. There are many ways to give cannabinoids to your body, but the most thorough and long-lasting way to give your body cannabinoids, for deep healing, is by ingesting cannabis in food form.

Cbd has been shown to have neuroprotective benefits, and was found to be beneficial in helping to prevent the onset of dementia and alzheimers, and also be effective in treating the symptoms (www.dementia In addition, The University of Chicago has shown that cbd helps to prevent contraction of the corona virus, and is also effective in helping to clear the infection if you contract it. This is particularly important in today’s world, especially as cbd is a natural and healing product ( 

When we don’t get these cannabinoids, we become unwell. According to www.hemp,

“If the body does not produce endocannabinoids in sufficient amounts, then it will lead to Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency (CED). And CED can have a severe impact on the body’s health because when it happens, it imbalances the ECS. As a result, it damages important bodily functions, especially immunity, digestion, mood, and sleep. 

A crucial thing to note is that a majority of the endocannabinoids in the body are located in the brain cells and the nervous system. Because of this, the ECS has a huge and direct impact on functions like learning, memory, cognition, and the brain’s signalling.

Hence, due to CED, it becomes hard for the brain to function optimally, respond to external situations properly, and adapt to life experiences. Therefore, the patients suffering from CED show higher incidences of anxiety, depression, and chronic stress.” 

Here in the western medical model, we don’t even look at the body’s endocannabinoid system. We treat the above symptoms with antidepressants and anti anxiety medications, which are ineffective, because they don’t give the body what it needs, I.e. endocannabinoid. Also, these medications cause a whole range of other complications, side effects, and health issues, leading to long term illness and distress. 

If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, pain, weight issues, sleep disorders, bowel problems, hormonal problems, or immune support problems, cbd could well be for you! Please get in touch to book an initial phone consultation. You can book using our order form in this website, or email us at

A note on Thc

A note on THC-

Often people are anxious or apprehensive to use thc, as it has a reputation for ‘getting you high’. This is true of the smoking experience, but it is a very different story when using thc in oil, for medicinal purpose. It is also a very different story when using thc in foods specially designed for medicinal relief and healing. 

Thc can be used very effectively in place of pharmaceuticals such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, codeine, tramadol, and morphine. Thc does not cause the same ill effects to the body as these medications do - paracetamol is very harmful to the liver, for example, and ibuprofen tends to eat away at the stomach lining, causing leaky gut, stomach ulcers and digestive issues. 

We generally understand that thc is predominantly used for pain. However, it also has other uses and applications too. It is very helpful in decreasing cramps and muscular spasms, for example in Multiple Sclerosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron’s Disease. It helps to relieve nausea, and can also stimulate appetite, so it is a great option for people recovering from illness or surgery and needing to eat. It is helpful to those going through chemotherapy as it can greatly reduce the nausea, pain, and discomfort. It can help with sleep, and in very high concentrations it can be used in the treatment of cancer. 

Here at Harmony Gardens and Grub Ltd, we are all about natural healing and relief. We are very happy to be able to provide medicinal thc oil to our customers. At the moment, we have a few sizes available - 30ml, 50ml and 100ml - although supplies of the 100ml bottles are limited. 

If you think that a thc product may be right for you, please get in touch to book a phone consultation. 

Please note: you must be an existing customer to purchase products through our website. To become an existing customer, please contact us to request a phone consultation. 


Oils come in three sizes : 30ml, 50ml or 100ml (depending on stock availability)

There are four strengths of oils:

Mild (made with leaf only)

CBD rich (11%)

THC Strong (thc 10-12%)

Combo (mild leaf oil infused with half strength thc 5-6%)

The mild oil is anti inflammatory, helps to repair cells and tissues, and helps with calming and soothing the nervous system in general. It is very good for anxiety, depression, hormonal disturbances, and auto immune disorders. It is anti bacterial, and has high levels of anti oxidants, as well as chlorophyll and phytonutrients for optimal cell support.
This oil is suitable for use in dogs as well.

The CBD rich oil is highly anti inflammatory as well as soothing to your nerves and cells. It is stronger than the mild oil, so it is good for someone who needs more CBD support. It is great for anxiety, depression, helping to reset sleep patterns, helping to reset your nervous system and mitigate conditions such as arthritis and rheumatism. 

The strong oil is made from thc, and is good for pain relief, help with sleep, muscle relaxation, appetite stimulus, and anti nausea. It is great as a replacement for pharmaceuticals such as Panadol and ibuprofen, with no nasty side effects or harmful long term effects.

The combo oil is mild leaf oil infused with half the amount of thc. It is good for someone who needs less of the strong oil, with the added benefits of the milder oil.

The skin balm is made with cbd oil, lavender, and kawakawa, with beeswax and shea butter. It is very healing, and excellent for strains, sprains, bumps, bruises, poor sleep, cramps, and stress. 

It comes in :Small Medium, Jumbo (depending on stock availability) 

There is an $8 postage and packaging fee per order. If you are a Rural Delivery customer, please also add $6 for Rural Delivery.

All orders are posted out.
Please noteWe do not provide any collection or delivery services. 

Green Fairy Healing Foods

Please note: you must be an existing customer to purchase products through our website

Infused foods are a game changer when recovering from illness, or surgery. They are a beautiful way of nourishing your body, as well as giving it necessary medication. 

Infused foods are super nutritious snacks and meals, designed to promote health, wellbeing, and recovery from illness. They also have a soothing, pain-relieving effect, they promote sleep and relaxation, and they give a warm glowing feeling from the inside, like an internal hug.

In order to promote health and harmony in our body, and to create the best environment for cellular healing, all my recipes are free from:

  • Gluten

  • Sugar and all artificial sweeteners

  • Dairy products

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Artificial colourings or preservatives.

I use free-range ingredients, and organic/spray-free wherever possible. I source as many local ingredients, and purchase from as many local businesses, as possible. 

Each snack is made with superfood ingredients, such as hemp, tumeric, raw local honey, Himalayan crystal salt, and coconut oil. They are infused with either CBD or THC,  so they have a healing, soothing, pain-relieving effect from the inside - very much like your stomach and intestines giving you a grateful hug!

Because infused foods are absorbed throughout the whole digestive system, this allows the CBD/THC to visit every part of the body’s endocannabinoid system of receptors, and facilitate some very effective healing right through your system. This is particularly good for aiding recovery in internal disorders, such as hormonal issues, digestive problems. leaky gut, colitis, stomach ulcerations and bowel issues. The superfood ingredients provide a rich source of easily absorbable nutrition, which helps to grow new healthy cells and tissues. 

Infused foods are available in the form of:

  • Gummies

  • Golden paste for making your own cbd or thc chai 

There is a $10 postage and packaging fee per food order. All orders are posted out. Please note: We do not provide any collection or delivery services. 

I am regularly developing new recipes, often at the request of customers. If you have a favourite recipe that you would like to adapt to allergy-friendly ingredients, green fairy ingredients, or both, please contact us at

Interview with Emily Kyle

  • Release Date: Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

  • Episode Number: Season 1, Episode 5

  • Special Guest: Louisa Miller from Harmony Gardens and Grub, a Green Fairy from New Zealand

Emily Kyle is a highly knowledgeable, and incredibly innovative, cannabis educator from the USA. She has amazing resources, including information, recipes, infused products, and now an interesting and informational cannabis podcast. She talks to regular folks, using cannabis to help with their health and well-being, and to assist in recovery from illnesses. She is very helpful in the mission to destigmatise cannabis, and it’s everyday use in life for wellness. 

Please tune in above, to hear my interview with her on Natural health Hawke's Bay. Here, you can hear a tiny part of my story of chronic illness, medical neglect and misadventure, and slow rebuilding of life, with the help of medicinal cannabis. 

Phone Consultation Service

Phone Consultation Service

Phone Consultation Service

If you are wondering if a Green Fairy product is right for you, please book in for an initial phone consultation. Products are only available to customers who have completed a phone consultation. 

Consultations are $30, payable at the time of booking. The service includes the initial phone call, and a follow-up phone call about a week later, once you have started on your products. 

Each consultation takes around 20 minutes, in the comfort of your own home. It is a good way to discuss your individual needs, and ask any questions or discuss your concerns. Everyone is different, and one size does not fit all, so it is important to get the product which suits you, and your health needs.

Phone consultation appointments are available on

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 

11.30am, 12.30pm, and 2.30pm (depending on availability). 

Bookings are essential, as we are not available for out-of-hours casual contact or consultation. 

If you would like to book a consultation, please contact us using the form below or email us at

When you request contact or a consultation, you will receive a response from us via email and text. Please make sure to respond to our message. That way, we can book your consultation, and help you find the product that suits you best. Please check your spam folder, as emails sometimes end up there. 

Please note: If you cannot make your appointment for any reason, please be courteous and cancel in advance, so that our time is respected, and so that someone else can make use of the appointment time.

Please note: you must be an existing customer to order products from our website

If ordering product, please add:

  • $8 p&p for oil/balm orders


  • $10 p&p for food orders

  • If you are a Rural Delivery customer, please also add an additional $6 for Rural Delivery postage

and make payment to : 
Harmony Gardens & Grub Ltd



Please note: We do not offer any collection or delivery services

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Thanks for your message, we will be in touch shortly.